United Kingdom

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (normally known as Great Britain or simply the UK) is comprised of four countries; England, Wales, Scotland and the aforementioned Northern Ireland. This island nation is located in the north west of Europe with the North Sea on one side and the Atlantic Ocean on the other. The combined population of the UK is just over 62 million with England by far been the most populous region, with over 51 million itself. The UK has been one of the most influential countries in history, once having the largest empire in history, covering a quarter of the world's land surface.

The UK has four distinct seasons, with the best time to visit being during the summer season of June to September. However, regardless of the season, the British weather is notorious for its rain, even during the hottest months. Serviced apartments in the United Kingdom give visitors access to such world-famous sights as Stonehenge, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, the British Museum, Canterbury Cathedral, the Giant's Causeway, Edinburgh Castle and the Brecon Beacons to name just a small number. Overall, the UK is the sixth most popular tourist destination in the world, seeing around 27 million visitors every year and has an abundance of cultural, historical and natural attractions.