About Us

CityCentreApartments.com is a serviced apartment booking agency, with holiday apartments in over 80 countries. Our apartments are conveniently located in the most popular cities and areas all around the world, making your escape as simple and hassle-free as possible. We are able to provide you with the best rates possible for your chosen home-from-home, and a wide range of apartments ranging from basic to luxury to suit your needs.

When you book with City Centre Apartments, we strive to make the process as quick and easy as possible with a simple online booking-form. Unlike many other apartment sites we also provide instant booking confirmation for your peace of mind. Customer service is at the heart of all we do and we aim to ensure 100% customer satisfaction from start to finish.

Our serviced apartments are of an extremely high standard and come equipped with all the amenities you might need for a comfortable and relaxing holiday for the duration of your stay. Whether you choose to reside for a few days or a few weeks, you can be assured of the quality and convenience of your holiday apartment.

By choosing City Centre Apartments, you are choosing comfort, convenience and a cost-effective serviced residence. For more information on what we offer please refer to the section “Why book an apartment?”

Worldwide Serviced Apartments